Did you have that MONDAYITIS feeling this morning?
OMG, I used to HATE Monday's like so so bad, I would be counting down until hump-day before my shift would even start. Then once I got to hump day I would begin whinging why it wasn't Friday arvo yet.
Do you ever feel like that?
Like you are just counting down the days, hours, even the seconds until knock off Friday arvo?
Fun fact... More than half of aussies don't enjoy their jobs & the wage.
The insane thing is those same people will still stay in the same job they don't enjoy just because “it's easy”.
But I know you are different, I know that if you had a dream or you didn't like your job you would move heaven and earth to make yourself happy right?
If you are in that category of more than half not enjoying their job and are ready for something different then feel free to book a 30 minute free call with me to see what I can do to help you or reach out via messenger and we can have a chat.
Don’t just do “easy”
Nothing good comes from it!
Looking forward to chatting soon :)
Tarsha x